Sometimes going through life changes can be scary. When we enter different seasons of our lives, it is symbolic that the current season is about to end. I wonder how often we hold onto things we should let go of because we are familiar with it. It is the known. Should we hold onto something that is no longer positively serving us just because we are afraid of what we do not know.
I have been blessed to be a dreamer. Yes, I said blessed. My mother calls me her gypsy daughter; always moving onto the next thing. It is sometimes hard for people to fully understand a dreamer. Truth be told, I don't think a dreamer even understands themselves. Speaking for just myself, I have always believed that I was created for a purpose. I also submit that we are all created for a purpose. With each move and change, it takes me closer to what I was created for.
Now I am not saying that I have not made any detours or gotten off that path. Yes, I have made some foolish mistakes. I can't even say they were all mistakes, some bad decisions I made knowing full well that is was a bad decision and not Gods best for me. Yet, I did. But the great news is that God is merciful and forgiving and even in those moments, God can turn it all around.
When God has a plan, nothing will stop it.
Through my trials and set backs I have grown. If I had not experienced what I experienced I would not be here today. From my position, I am able to realize a great need for others in my position.
Imagine this...
You are going through a dark corridor. There is a burning fire behind you, the air is filled with smoke, you can not see and it is hard to even breath. You feel the walls pressing in from all around you. You can hear the cries of the people behind you. Yet, ahead you hear a voice saying "keep walking, keep walking straight ahead, here take my hand and I will lead you out of here." The voice you hear is calm amidst all of the chaos behind you. What will you do? Close your eyes and imagine this for a minute. remember, you can see nothing, it is dark. You can feel that panic wanting to rise up in your belly. People behind you are screaming, crying. You don't know which way is left or right. Yet, there is this calm voice saying here take my hand.
I don't think it is rocket science to know to take that hand and trust that hand to lead you to safety. Yet many of us are stuck in that chaotic circle, afraid to take that hand because you are not sure where that person will lead you. Yea, sure the fire is behind you and yes, it is a little difficult to breathe, but you are thinking maybe you can find your own way out. Let me be that bright warning sign to you. you know the one flashing that says "do not take this door that you have taken before because it is going to lead you right back here."
My friend, do not be afraid of change. Change is not always easy, but it is necessary for growth.
Have you heard the saying God helps those who help themselves? That is not true and it certainly is not Biblical. The truth is, you can not help yourself. You are in the need of a Savior. Only those who walk by faith will reach the promise land.
What are you going through right now? Is it a failed relationship? Loss of a job? Death of a dream? Financial instability? Empty nest? Loneliness? Whatever it is, I encourage you to take he hand of that still calm voice. You know the voice, the voice of the Spirit. Let go of what you are holding onto. You can not step into the future if you keep one foot in the past. You can not grasp the fullness of what you were created for if you hold onto your own man made vision. A God given vision will come to pass. I promise you. He promises you. The good work that is started in you, He is faithful to see it through.
Let go and walk in obedience and faith. Take His hand and He will lead you through. Even if you have to crawl for awhile, He will lead you through. When you have come through you can reach your hand back and take the hand of another and lead them through.
Romans 8: 18 says "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."
Do not be afraid. Before you is a door. I will paraphrase revelation 3:7, 'He opens doors that no one can shut, and He shuts doors that no one can open.' When the Spirit of the Lord say now is the time, step forward boldly, because even if you can't see it with your natural eye at this present time, have faith you will come forth as gold, refined by fire.
Let your light continue to shine.
Assignment: Write down your vision, your dream. You know the one, the one God gave you. You may have put it away, it is time to take it off the shelf and dust it off.
Prayer & Meditation: Dear Jesus, what I took from Your hand, I place back into Your hands. Thank You for the vision and calling You have given to me. Because You have given this to me, I trust that You will bring it to fruition. Strengthen me, holy Spirit, guide me in all of my ways. I choose not to look to the left, or to the right, but to You, my Redeemer.
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