Saturday, April 6, 2013

Freedom from Depression

A dear friend of mine asked me what she can do to help this loneliness she is experiencing. She said she is feeling depressed, blue, down. These feeling are no stranger to me. We all experience these feelings at some point in our lives. None of us are immune to the dark times. Even David, a man after Gods own heart experienced this. But, even though we may know that we are not the only ones to experience such feelings, it doesn't help us to feel any less alone when we are going through it; does it.

I once read that to spend the first 15 minutes of the day in sunlight is a great natural way to fight the blues. Perhaps that is why I feel so good when I am outside? Enjoying the fresh air, scenery, sunshine, sounds of birds (unless you live in a city). Sometimes when we are fighting this depression that tries to engulf us, it may take every muscle in our body to get up and get out. My friend, if I may borrow this phrase, just do it!

Some things are easier said than done and everyone is a expert on advice when they are not in what you are in. So my friend, I want to direct you to the real expert. I want to introduce you to someone who can not only understand your pain, because He has also experienced it, but He can heal your pain. That is what you truly want, right?

The real battle really is waged in our minds. Who said what a man thinks, so he is? The thoughts that we allow ourselves to entertain will become what we believe. Sure, we can say all we want that everything is OK and we are alright, but the truth is... everything is not OK, and we are not always alright. That is why we have someone we can turn to in our times of weakness.

If we try to fight the battle of the mind with our own will, our own strength, our own intellect and our own words, we will lose. We may gain a little ground here and there, but in the end, we will lose the ground we gain. How do I know that? Because I know that only Gods word is sharper than any two edged sword. Only His words can cut through the lies, the deception and false hope and bring truth, light, healing and real hope. His words are life.

Dear one, to know His words, you must submerge yourself in His words. Meditate on them day and night. Trust me, Him, when you need a word, that word that will send the weight of that heavy cloud to flight, the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance. However, you have got to give Him something to work with. I suggest you invest in a good study Bible. Personally , my favorite Bible is the NKJ Life Application Bible. Look through different translations and see which one you can relate to. Then make this Bible your life manual. Get yourself a pen and a high lighter and mark it up! 

I also recommend starting with the book of John if this is your first time reading the Bible. The psalms are filled with encouragement if you are feeling blue. Are you seeking wisdom? Read a Proverb. 

Hear me on this, you may not always get something (that you are aware of) every time you read, but when you need that special power word the Holy Spirit will bring it to you. 

Let me give you an example of what I mean. 

I was going through a stressful time. One night I awoke to the sound of "Romans 8:28" I grabbed my Bible and what did it say? "For I know that all tings work together for the good to those who love Christ and are called according to His purpose". I love Christ. I am called according to His purpose. Therefor, this applies to me. No matter what, I was not to fear and not be overcome with stress, because this was going to work out for my good. And you know what? It did!

You see, when we try to fix things on our own, we just make it worse. Any relief we gain on our own is only temporal. Beloved, trust God. trust the One who gave His Son for you. Trust the One who died and rose again for you. Trust the One who will speak to you. He is the only One who can bring everlasting healing. 

Meditate on this truth...

You are beautiful! You were fearfully and wonderfully made. He knows every hair on your head. Every pain, hurt, dream, and tear. You matter to Him! He knew you while you were yet in your mothers womb. You are highly favored. You are a daughter of a King (if you have accepted His Son) and you are a royal priesthood. You are not a beggar! A Kings child does not beg. A kings daughter does not wallow in the mud. She holds her head up. Even in her own pain, she reaches out to others in kindness and humility.  

If you have not already, please surround yourself with other strong Christians. You need to be around people who love God and who hear Him. Get yourself connected into a church.

Also, everyone needs a mentor. Mentors sent by God can help take you to the next level. But, everyone must also be a mentor. So, find yourself a strong and mature mentor and then find yourself someone to mentor. Share the love and wisdom of God. We are all one family. One body. We are all important. Find your place and get connected. The body needs you. The world needs you. And when I say you, I mean the Christ in you.

Are you smiling now, my friend? Do you now see that you do not need to feel blue? That you are loved and someone cares and loves you.

You are beautiful!!!

Assignment:  Find a church and a mentor. Get connected. Do it this week. If you don't know where to go, ask someone. If you need help finding a church in your area, you can leave a comment and your city and state and I will help you.

Prayer & Meditation: Thank you, Jesus, that Your love is greater than any depression, any sorrow. Holy Spirit, please help me to remember how much God loves me. Direct my path to a spirit filled church. When I read your word, light it up so that it shines into my spirit and then bring it back to my remembrance when I need it. In all things, I give thanks to You.

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