We must not be distracted! We must not be controlled by our emotions. If we say that we love God, then we must behave like we do. Take inventory. What are we saying and what are we doing? Are we participating in conversations that we should not? Are we in relationships that we should not be in?
Does your life seem out of control? Is everything coming at you from all directions? Have you lost your peace?
I plead with you, give your bodies to God as a living sacrifice - the kind He will accept. After what He has done for us, is this too much to ask? Don't act like everyone else, quit trying to fit in. Let God transform you, you are now a new person, by changing the way you think, then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will is for you (Romans 12:1-2).
We can not rationalize or offer excuse. Your freedom has been bought with a high price. You are no longer your own, you belong to God.
Let God have His way in you. Be filled with His Holy Spirit. Turn away from your old way of life, old habits and toxic relationships. Do you not remember what He has delivered you from?
You must take captive every thought and arrest every imagination. Whatever you set your thoughts to, that is the direction that you will go. If you have not let go of your past, you will relive your past. Only this time it will be much worse (Matthew 12:43-45).
How do you know you may be slipping? Listen to the words that come out of your mouth. Feel that sting of conviction when you are with certain people and/or participating in things you ought not to be participating in. You no longer seek God, instead you try to hide from Him.
You are not to be a bystander to that which seeks to destroy you. You must be an active participant in working out your own salvation. Live a clean and innocent life as a child of God (Philippians 2:14-16).
He never said it was going to be easy (John 16:33), but He did promise to never leave you (Matthew 28:20).
Be Free & Stay Free!
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