As a young woman she made herself good enough; well, kind of, in a distorted way. She felt good enough when a man paid attention to her. When he told her she was beautiful. When he showed kindness to her. She found herself in relationships that she should have never been in. In her search of being good enough, she gave away her most precious gift. She entered each new relationship with hope, only to walk away feeling empty and used. Soon she became distrusting, skeptical, cynical and fed up. She decided she could not be good enough and realized that men were not good enough anyway.
Yet, there was still that longing, that need to hear the words "you are good enough."
We all have that need. The need to love and be loved. To be noticed and to know that we matter. To not be invisible. We try to fill that need, that void, through relationships, food, addictions, medications, career; anything to numb that pain of loneliness and rejection. If we can stay busy enough we can convince ourselves that we are OK, even if we are not.
Dear sister, did you see yourself in the little girl, the adolescent or the young woman? Were you victim to the very people who were suppose to care for and protect you? What you missed, did you try to find and each time come up lacking? It is a sad place to be in.
You can not change your past, but you can make a choice for your future. You do not need to be a victim, you can be a conqueror. Some of what happened was not your fault. Some of it was. We have all made choices, and sadly, there are consequences to our choices and sometimes others suffer the consequences.
It is not too late. The burdens that you have, they were not meant for you to carry. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light" Matthew 11:28-30
When we try to be "good enough" on our own, we will always fall short. When we look to others to validate us, we will be let down. We can not be "good enough" on our own and there is a spot in us that was never meant to be filled by others. There is only One who is enough and through Him we are good enough. In Him we find acceptance and love. In Him we find our strength and freedom to be vulnerable enough to be that beautiful woman He has created to us to be. In Him we find completeness and an intimate love that no one else can give.
I encourage you, my sweet sister, stop running, avoiding, denying, masking, hiding, manipulating and fighting. Cry out to Jesus, for He cares for you. He gave His life for you and in His resurrection you can find redemption. Let Him wash you and trust Him to finish the work that He has begun. You are precious in His eyes.

Be free and stay free.
"As a young woman she made herself good enough; well, kind of, in a distorted way." Yeap!! Cocaine made me feel pretty, Jack Daniels gave me courage & strength, Sex made me feel powerful, and cuddling made me believe I mattered! Lies! Lies! ALL Lies!
ReplyDeleteI became so addicted I was debilitated, I was so loose I became a whore, I didn't have any power--they always took what they wanted and those that cuddled with me, gave me black eye's, bloody noses, bruised ribs and the belief that I was stupid and worthless.
My choice gave me a major consequence that revealed itself to be a miracle!! I discovered the love Jesus has for me as I sat in a cell. Hurt, lonely and confused He came in and said "I will bring you to a place of abundance" and Pastor in jail told me to try Jesus she told me if I didn't like the life He gave me, He'd refund this one! LOL
I've not asked for a refund yet! It IS glorious! Blessed be the Lord!
Thank you, Chris, for sharing this. It hurts when we go through this...the trying to find the validation and not understanding it can only come through Jesus. But how beautiful when we come to Him that loves us. Amazing how He loves us and take away all the shame. How wonderful for our testimony, to use it to the glory of God. Romans 8:28 I am so thankful for you. You are an amazing woman of God.
ReplyDeleteSing, Sister, Sing!