A man was walking the grounds of a circus, observing the
animals. As he approached the elephants he was confused by the fact that these
huge creatures were being held by a single rope tied to their leg. Obviously
the elephants could break the rope and walk away, but oddly, they did not.
He motioned to a trainer nearby and asked him why such a magnificent
and strong creature made no attempt to break away? How could it be that such a
small rope could restrain such a large and strong creature?
“When they are young
we use a similar size rope to tie them and because they are small they cannot
break away. As they grow, they are conditioned to think that the rope can still
hold them, so they never try to break free.” The trainer answered.
The man was amazed! Imagine, the elephant could break free
at any time, but because he believed that he could not, he didn’t even try. The
elephant was stuck right there, in captivity.

How many of us are like that elephant?
How many are held captive to the ropes of the past?
How many have learned to adapt to the ropes; perhaps even
embraced the ropes?
Sure does sound silly, doesn’t it? Imagine the tragic comedy
it is when we choose to hold on to the things that keep us so bound up, rather
than walk in complete freedom.
There is a phenomenon called Stockholm syndrome. It is a
strong emotional tie that is formed between two people where one abuses,
threatens, harasses, intimidates, or beats the other. It is suggested that the
bonding is the victims coping mechanism, in response to the trauma of being a
As strange as it seems that a majestic creature like the
elephant stays chained to a small rope, it is even stranger that a victim
should form a bond with a person (or thing/addiction/mind-set) who has taken their freedom away and abused
them. Yet, this is what happens, in the spiritual.
We begin to identify with the chains of bondage because we
do not know our identity.
We identify to labels. Don’t believe me, ask someone who
they are and they will probably tell you their job title; you know, the one
word title that describes what we do (or where we have been).
There is ONE who can cut those ropes of bondage from you and
give you freedom.
John 8:36 says, “Therefore
if the Son (Jesus) makes you
free, you shall be free indeed.”
I put emphases on the “if”
because it is important that you understand something. It IS Gods will
that you be free. He has made all provision for your freedom, through His Son,
Jesus. His gift of salvation is free. He will never force it on you. He will
also never deny you should you choose to accept the free gift of salvation,
freedom. When you accept His Son, you have accepted all that comes with being
an heir.
2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore,
if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold all things have become new.”
What does this mean?
I am going to break this down for you in very plain
If you have Christ, you are no longer a victim! You are more
than a conqueror through Christ who strengthen you. You are to be conformed
into His image, you are dead to your past and you are alive in Christ who gives
you the hope and the promise of eternal life. You have received forgiveness and
you are to offer forgiveness to those who have wronged you, abused you, hurt
you and to yourself. Unforgiveness will keep you tied to your past and to your
old mindsets. You are no longer a whore hopping from bed to bed, relationship
to relationship, you are sanctified, you are pure and you are to offer yourself
up as a living sacrifice to the One who has set you free. You are no longer an
addict, an alcoholic, an angry person, an inferior person, a victim, an abuser,
a fearful person, a selfish person or a self-preserved person. You are not a fortress within yourself.
Your freedom has been purchased at a very high cost. You are
to no longer play in the pig pen with the pigs, you are washed clean with the
blood of Jesus. Your future is secure and you are to break ties with the past.
You cannot hold onto the past while looking to the future.
That tie that held you for so long is no longer there. That
phantom feeling you get of the rope on your ankles is a lie and you must
recognize that.
I am not suggesting that this is always easy, because sure
enough there will be times when it seems that all hell will break loose on you.
But, free people always have a choice. You can choose to believe the lie and
risk becoming bound again, or you can choose to believe Gods promise.
Jesus said if you abide in His Word, you are His disciples
and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Whoever commits
sin is a slave of sin and a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a
son abides forever.
Many of us have had painful past. Many of us have been
victims of people and/or circumstance that was beyond our control. But that is
not what defines us. The past is not where we find our identity. Our identity
is found in Jesus.
What is it that holds you back? What do you need to let go
of? Who do you need to forgive?
Confession and repentance is the first step to freedom. Repentance
means to no longer return to the rope (sin) that has held you. You turn away
from it. You cling to Jesus. You allow Him to bring healing. You do not self-medicate
with un-holy relationships or addictions. To many this may seem impossible, to
step out of the comfort zone and break old habits, but Jesus said that what is
impossible for man is possible with God.
As a free person, you have a choice. You can choose to
believe Him or not to believe Him.
God is faithful, He cares for you and He loves you. There is
nothing that can separate you from His love. He wants you to acknowledge and
walk in the freedom that He has given you. He wants this more than you.
Are you weary? Are you tired of the merry-go-round of
emotions? God says come up here. Learn to see through His eyes.
Kick that elephant out of your living room and divorce your
past. You have no more relationship with your past. You are a new creation. A
holy nation, a royal priesthood, an heir with Christ, a child of the Most High
God. Walk in it!
Be Free & Stay Free
When an elephant is kept on a chain for a long period of time the chain can be taken off him and he will still stay in that 6 foot area that he is used too. Sometimes we do the same thing. We keep ourselves chain to the past or to a situation that God has removed us from and keep going back to it.
ReplyDeleteJust like the Egyptians wondering around in the desert that once God lead them in to the promise land some of the Egyptians wanted to go back to Egypt where they were not free. They felt comfortable just like us people want to stay in situations because of comfort. To keep going back and going back to the things that God has freed us from. It doesn’t make any more sense than the Egyptians wanting to go back to Egypt. Sometimes it is just easier to stay in the situation because we don’t want to face the truth. God doesn’t want us to stay in the situation or relationship that is not good for us. God wants to remove the chains that bond us just like the elephant that the circus trainer removes his chains and he keeps walking in the same circles that he was used to for so long.
We need to let God remove the chains and the Elephant from our living room. Stop going back to the things that God has delivered us from. God wants us to be free. So when God removes the elephant from our living room we need to move on to the next things God has for us.