When we have obtained something at a great cost, we cherish it and protect it. It is valuable to us, even if others do not see it's value.
We display it and we guard it so that it will not be lost, broken or stolen. Because we know the price that we have paid for it, we will not be convinced by anyone, or anything, that it is not worth it.
Stop! Before you continue to read this, pause for a moment and think about this.
Then read Ephesians 1:3-14.
I have wanted many things. Some I have obtained and some I haven't. I was willing to sacrifice much to take hold of what I saw as valuable. But, I was never willing, nor did I consider, laying my own life down, or the lives of my children, to receive what I thought was valuable.
Yet, this is what God did for us. He purchased our freedom through the blood of His Son, Jesus. We belonged to sin and the end results would lead us to death (or hell, if I can speak bluntly). But because of His redemption, His grace and His mercy, we belong to Him now. We are His treasures and He paid a great price for us.

So...open your eyes and raise your hands and stand firm on this truth: I am blessed and highly favored and nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, can separate me from the love of God.
Be free and stay free!
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