Monday, July 21, 2014


For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Take heed that no one deceives you! Click here

Does it seem that everywhere you turn you are running into a wall? You try to do the "right thing," but your best is never quite good enough? People let you down, your wallet has a hole in it, for every two steps forward you feel that you have been pushed a step back. Have you lost your peace amidst the storm and now you just want a way out?

Have you quit going to church because you leave feeling just as empty as when you went in? Have you quit praying because you feel that your prayers are no longer heard and you struggle to find strength to just be still? Do you have questions and the cliché "religious" answers are just not cutting it anymore? Is your faith wavering and you are walking the tightrope and teetering on unbelief?

My friend, your struggle is not something new click here. You must remember that you are in a very real battle click here. As a follower of Christ, you have become a target for the enemy. He has sent his soldiers after you to not just cripple you (although that would please him), but to kill you.

Remember, you do have the weapons needed for this kind of warfare click hereYou are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you.

What is the greatest temptation that you are facing right now?

It should come as no surprise that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. The meaning of Christianity is not about religion, but to be a follower of Christ; to be a true imitator of Jesus, in word and in deed. It is about relationship with the One who has created you and called you by name. As your relationship with Christ strengthens and you are being conformed into His image, you will carry His light into a very dark world and the world will not like that light, because it will expose the darkness, the agenda of the enemy. It will cause discomfort for those who want to stay in the comfort of their denial and ignorance.

The enemy is clever and his attack is strategically subtle. First, he will try to seduce you and lure you into his trap of complacency. Eventually you may find yourself compromising and making excuse. You will begin to become numb in the spirit and the lies that you hear, (which by the way... half truths are still lies) will start to make sense to you. Confusion will set in. You will start to fall into agreement with the world when it says, "surely, God is a God of love and He wants you to be happy, so if it feels good, do it." You begin to remain silent for fear that you will appear "judgmental" or "intolerant."  Even though you know inside that it is wrong, you pacify that conviction with the thought "if they like me they will listen to me." You mistakenly believe that building a relationship with the world will give you some kind of credibility to speak to them. You wait for that perfect time to share the truth with them and before you even realize it, you have forgotten what the truth really is.

You will begin to let your defenses down and expose yourself to more attack. Now the attack is getting real and you are not even aware, that like the world, the light that you once carried is now making you uncomfortable. So you seek out someone who preaches their version of the "good news" and not the true Gospel. You think you will find rest in the ear tickle words of people who are saying peace when there is no peace. These people will distort the message of grace. They will tell you to be happy, because they do not understand that there is a difference between happiness and joy.

Happiness is based on circumstance, joy is the knowing that Christ is with you, it is hope.

Many find the truth offensive. Strange, in a world of hostility and assault, we should shrug off the truth in the name of (false) peace.

We should not be surprised when we see the falling away. Yet, I marvel when I see how someone so on fire for the Lord being lulled away by erroneous teaching because their message makes them feel good. I do not say this lightly and one thing I have learned is to never say never. I pray that like Peter, I will always say "Lord, where else could I go but to you?"

Still, here we are and we have to ask, how have we, as a church, fallen so far? Where have we lost it? Where have our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children gone?

What are we to do? How are we able to withstand? click here

It is not difficult, know this, God will not be mocked, nor will His Spirit be conjured up, for we know that we are all His creation, but not all of us are His children. We were created for Him, for relationship with Him, and when that fellowship with Him was broken through sin, He made a way through His Son on the cross to reconcile us to Him.

Hell was not intended for us, but it is real. It is the heart of God that none shall perish but all shall have everlasting life. Do not fall for the lie that there is no heaven, there is no hell, or we are all going to heaven, or just as bad there is nothing after this life. My friends, we will all face eternity, it is just a matter as to where.

You will live in your fathers house. You must choose who your father is. It is a choice. God has already chosen you and now you must  choose. Do not harden your heart.  

The day is coming where we will all have to give account, every single one of us, and there will be no escape when that day comes. So put away your mental list of what you have done, because when you stand before Him the only thing that matters is "are you His." A stranger does not enter the Fathers house, His children enter His house.

What must you do? Repent! Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. Romans 10:9

When you receive salvation through Jesus, He will give you a Helper, a Comforter, a Teacher, and He will lead you in the way of truth. So, when you hear the fancy and charismatic words of false teachers, you will know to run from them. When the world calls good evil and evil good, you will know to run.

Do not be afraid and do not partner with the world. Even if you feel you are standing alone, He has promised that you are never alone because He will never leave you. The Lord always has His remnant, take your place in His family. You are a warrior, but the battle is not yours. Trust in Him to deliver you. Stay in His presence. Be the light in a dark world, walk in His love.

Be Free & Stay Free

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