Click here for 2 Kings 4:8-37
Do you hold a desire so deep that you fear to voice it? Perhaps this desire was once worn on your sleeve, but when it did not come to pass, you hid it?
God, who searches our hearts, knows us intimately. He knows the deepest desires of our heart and it pleases Him to give us those desires when we delight in Him.
I can imagine the Shunammite woman when Elisha told her she would have a son. Can you imagine?
Here is a woman who wanted a son. Her husband was older in age and she has not conceived a child. I am sure that after awhile she just accepted, came to terms with, that she would not have children, no son to care for her in her old age. Maybe it became easier to bury it deep, rather than have unfulfilled hope?
Have you ever done that? Have you stifled a dream because you grew weary of hoping and hoping and hoping? Is the pain less when you pretend it wasn't that important to you anyway? Really?
Hope deferred does make the heart sick. We hope, we pray, we bargain, and when it seems to go unanswered, we shrug and say 'I guess I am not meant to have...' Do you do that? I know I have.
When what we desire manifest we cling to it. We must not cling too tight, or we will strangle it. We must not place the desire before God.
We must be like the Shunammite woman, we must not listen to the voice of doubt and fear. We must say, 'Has God not said...'
Seek Him with everything within you. Do not let distractions or people stand in your way. Say and KNOW "it is well!"
v.28 So she said, "Did I ask a son of my Lord? Did I not say, 'do not deceive me'?"

Let your faith be stirred. Let your hope arise and know...
Though your vision tarries, wait for it! For it will certainly come, it will not delay. It is for an appointed time, but in the end it will speak.
While you are waiting, continue in His presence. Delight yourself in Him. Have a thankful heart filled with gratitude for the Lord. When He says it is done, then it is done!
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
Be free & Stay free
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