Friday, April 25, 2014

You Are What You Eat

Wallow with the pigs and you will get dirty!

If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 1 John 1:6

In these last days it is important that we wear the full armor of God and we spend time in His presence. We must learn to seek Him. We must purpose to be in His presence. It is only through Him are we able to have balance and recognize the peace that He gives us.

There are so many things and people that want to steal our peace. If we are not careful, we allow the distractions to enter and steal our peace. There is no joy if there is no peace.

I am calling you to take inventory.

  • What are your thoughts? What is occupying your thoughts?
  • Who are you spending time with? Does the relationship edify?
  • Who have you allowed into your inner circle?
  • Do you know the difference between "friends" and ministry?
  • Who do you turn to in your time of distress?
  • Are you surrounded by confusion and chaos?
  • Do you know how to set boundaries? 
There are times in our lives that we experience loss, grief, sadness...

Anyone who has entered that dark night of the soul can attest to the warfare. This will bring us face to face with ourselves and hopefully to our knees before the throne of God. This is when we must cling even tighter to the promise of God. Though we may feel forsaken during this trial of faith, we must remember He said He will never forsake us. This is the time to press in, fight those distractions, close the rest of the world out and get before Jesus.

In Acts 9 (click here to readwe learn about a woman who died and they called Peter to come to them. The woman was a disciple and I am sure that they called Peter to come mourn with them. They may not have expected what happened next. Peter arrives on the scene, the women are mourning. They are showing him the garments that she made while she was with them. They were speaking of her in past terms. Understandable, right? We do that at funerals, we display the pictures and talk about all they have done while they were alive. We give them a memorial. Memorials are for the dead.

What did Peter do? Did he sit down with the mourners and grieve and start recalling her life? Did he join the party for the dead? No, he put them out of the room, he shut them out! Then he knelt and prayed and turned to the body and said, "Tabitha, arise." She then opened her eyes and saw Peter and sat up, then Peter took her by the hand and she stood up.

Had Peter joined the grieving party of the mourners she would not have been presented alive. She would have been buried.

Take note of what Peter did. He put the mourners out of the room, closed the door and spoke life.

If you are surrounded by nay sayers, people of unbelief, complainers, gossips, negativity, then you will become just like them. If you allow your thoughts to be constantly bombarded with the things that are contrary to Gods Word and His promise, then you will have unbelief and there is no faith in unbelief. There is no power in unbelief.

We would have to leave this world to be completely rid of all the negativity, but since we are in this world, even though we are not of this world, we must guard our hearts and take care in choosing who we allow into our inner circle.

As believers we are called to be a witness of His glory. We must always point to Christ. We can not fall into agreement with the world. Do NOT get sucked in! Choose wisely who you permit to speak into your life.

You heard the saying, you are what you eat. Keep feeding your mind with poison of defeat and that is what you will become. As followers of Christ we are more than conquerors. We are not called to be a defeated nation, but a Holy Nation. His nation does not add validity to what the world believes.

If you find yourself in a state of confusion, depression, heaviness; take inventory.

Healing, peace, joy and order comes from Him and Him alone. You will not find it in any other substitute. Close the doors to the mourners or you will be attending your own funeral. What good will you be to the commission if you yourself are buried?

Quit seeking for answers elsewhere. Get into your closet and seek Him. Put your armor on daily and do not let anything or anyone steal your peace.

Saturate yourself with His word, surround yourself with His people.

Be Free & Stay Free

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Forgotten Desires

Is anything to hard for God? Rise up, woman of God, dust that vision off, now is the time!

Click here for 2 Kings 4:8-37

Do you hold a desire so deep that you fear to voice it? Perhaps this desire was once worn on your sleeve, but when it did not come to pass, you hid it?

God, who searches our hearts, knows us intimately. He knows the deepest desires of our heart and it pleases Him to give us those desires when we delight in Him.

I can imagine the Shunammite woman when Elisha told her she would have a son. Can you imagine?

Here is a woman who wanted a son. Her husband was older in age and she has not conceived a  child. I am sure that after awhile she just accepted, came to terms with, that she would not have children, no son to care for her in her old age. Maybe it became easier to bury it deep, rather than have unfulfilled hope?

Have you ever done that? Have you stifled a dream because you grew weary of hoping and hoping and hoping? Is the pain less when you pretend it wasn't that important to you anyway? Really?

Hope deferred does make the heart sick. We hope, we pray, we bargain, and when it seems to go unanswered, we shrug and say 'I guess I am not meant to have...' Do you do that? I know I have.

When what we desire manifest we cling to it. We must not cling too tight, or we will strangle it. We must not place the desire before God.

We must be like the Shunammite woman, we must not listen to the voice of doubt and fear. We must say, 'Has God not said...'

Seek Him with everything within you. Do not let distractions or people stand in your way. Say and KNOW "it is well!"

v.28 So she said, "Did I ask a son of my Lord? Did I not say, 'do not deceive me'?"

The Lord knows the desire of your heart. Do you not know that He has given it to you? He has also seen the counterfeits come and go to stir your hope to watch it fall. This has caused you to be afraid and to hide. You have buried it so deep in your heart to protect yourself. You have seen others receive what you have wanted and it seemed to just pass you by; as if you have been overlooked.

Let your faith be stirred. Let your hope arise and know...

Though your vision tarries, wait for it! For it will certainly come, it will not delay. It is for an appointed time, but in the end it will speak.

While you are waiting, continue in His presence. Delight yourself in Him. Have a thankful heart filled with gratitude for the Lord. When He says it is done, then it is done!

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Be free & Stay free

Sunday, April 13, 2014

When Church Hurts

Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 19:11

 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice
James 3:16

 Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others.
Ecclesiastes 7:21-22

I open this post with three verses that we should read and take to heart.

Many people have fallen away from fellowship with other believers because of an offense. Quite possibly they left the church because their feelings got hurt, they were offended. As followers of Christ we know the world will hate us, because the world hated Jesus. It would seem the world has infiltrated the church and before we point fingers, we must ask ourselves; “Am I part of the problem?” Are we agents of reconciliation or are we sewing discord?

There is a reason we are not to forsake the gathering of the saints and we are to come together in fellowship. We need each other for support. We cannot stand alone. Fellowship with other believers strengthen us, encourages us and holds us accountable. Without this, we are vulnerable to the world. Remember, we are in this world, not of this world.

Some wounds are real and I do not want to ignore this, but often breaking of fellowship happens because of something petty. Rather than confront the person who has offended, in love, (see Matthew 18:15-17) some choose to walk away and say the church is full of hypocrites and I will never go back into that place. Then they brood over the offense and it becomes poison; not only to themselves, but to anyone who listens while they air the offense. This causes division.

I would have to wonder who we are really following. Are we following man or are we following God? Yes, hurts are real; Jesus knows this and He can heal the hurt. Man will let you down, Jesus never will. I am not suggesting that you stay where you are not welcome. I am suggesting to stay within the body that loves and follows Christ. You need the body and the body needs you. Do not retreat, do not hide.

The days are drawing short and His return is close. Be ready.
Be Free & Stay Free