One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4.
I think of her story often, especially when I am faced with change. Each time I read her story God shows me something new. His word is like that. His word is alive and will meet you at your point of need.
This past year has been a trying year for me; a real test of faith. At times it was as though I were on an emotional roller coaster. I would find myself at the peak of a high and think I have arrived, only to be plummeted down the next slope. Up and down. Seriously, I do not know how people survive life without knowing Jesus.
Do you ever feel that way? Just as you arrive to the peak of the mountain you are staring at the ground floor again? I don't know about you, but I am going to be real honest here, there were moments where I really questioned if I would have the strength to start all over again. And to be even more real, if it weren't for the grace of God and His love for me, I would have probably just sat down and stared into oblivion and wish it all to be over. Doesn't sound very spiritual, does it? I am just being real.
This is when I was reminded of the Shunammite woman. I can imagine her voice, her heart, her grief, when she said to Elisha, "Did I desire a son? Did I not say 'do not deceive me?"
I have said things very similar to God. It is OK for me to share this with you, because He knows anyway. My moaning's to God sounded something like this, "Why would you give this to me, just to take it away? I am tired of starting over! It is not fair! When will it be my turn? How much more do I have to take?!"
The thing about pity parties is no one shows up. It is usually a party of one. Even when you felt you did everything right, it wasn't your fault, you may still find yourself at the bottom of the roller coaster, scratching your head and wondering what just happened. Perhaps it is a relationship gone bad, a loss of a job, loss of home, health issues, or any other curve ball that has been thrown at you.
Let us remember, trials will come. Things do happen, to all of us. Not everyone we want in our lives will want to stay there. There will be times you will be misunderstood, harshly judged, and wrongly accused. It happens to all of us. But this does not have to be the end of us. The dream He gave you, He hasn't taken it back. The gifts He gave you, He hasn't taken that back either. Just because it has not come to pass the way you thought it would does not mean it will not come to pass.
James 1 says, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave in the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double minded man and unstable in all his ways.
God does, and will, open doors. We still have to do our part and walk through them. He will also close doors and we will have to choose to trust Him and let that door close.
My friend, I write this to encourage you. Though the plans you laid, have fallen, trust the Lord. His ways are perfect. Trust Him when He says your steps are ordered by Him. Listen for His voice. You will not always see a big flashing sign pointing you in the direction you should go. You may not even get the memo warning you change is coming and it may happen abruptly. But what you can count on and trust, is His Spirit to lead you.
So when your foundation has been shaken, when all you thought you had gained has been stripped away from you, in that moment of decision, choose to believe. Shut the pity party down. Ask God to search your heart and let this time have its perfect work, so what is produced from this will bring forth a harvest. Be like the Shunammite woman, she did not assemble a funeral, she went right to the source. Take it to Jesus, my friend.
If you walk in forgiveness, maintain a teachable spirit, and choose love; you will see this is not a season of loss, but of growth.
Be Free & Stay Free
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Is It Love?
You do not have to ask if it is love if you know the standard God has set. Before giving your heart, ask... does this person love me according to Gods Word?
I am not suggesting relationships are perfect, because we are all imperfect people. But if Christ is the center of our relationship, then we will always yield to each other.
I am not suggesting relationships are perfect, because we are all imperfect people. But if Christ is the center of our relationship, then we will always yield to each other.
Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]
There will be no room for doubt, or confusion, if Christ is the center. When husband and wife love God and seek after His heart, true love will always win.
Be Free & Stay Free
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Power of the Tongue
When we ponder the complexities of His creation, we are in awe, of the vastness of what we see and what we cannot see. From the deeps of the ocean to the infinite skies, we are amazed with His purposeful design. With all that we have discovered, there is so much yet to be discovered.
Yet, with all that lies before us, all that we can see; we are the most complex of all of His creation. We are the reflection of the One who has formed us. How exciting is it, that we have been created in the very image of our invisible God? We reflect an attribute of our God.
When I think on this I understand David when he said, "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it." Psalm 139:6
A gift that He has given us is the ability to communicate; language.
There are two kinds of languages; earthy and heavenly.
Earthly is the language that we have learned from our mothers, depending where we were born; English, Spanish, Amharic, French, Arabic, etc... We even have the ability to learn other languages from other lands. This gives us the ability to communicate with each other. Sometimes we use this gift for good and sometimes we use it for bad.
Knowingly, and/or unknowingly, we use our words to build up or destroy. There is much power in the words that we say. In the Bible, James likens the tongue to a small rudder that is able to turn large ships. See James 3
When we speak in our own language we speak with limited understanding. Many relationships have been destroyed from our lack of understanding.
"Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad." - Manly P. Hall
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." - Proverbs 18:21
Heavenly language is what we receive from our Heavenly Father through His Holy Spirit. Through this tongue we are able to transcend all understanding and languages. This language carries us to the throne room of God, articulating beyond our own understanding, and speaks clearly and perfectly into the spirit.
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. - Romans 8:26,27
See also James 4:2,3
The gift of tongues comes through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Through this baptism we will receive the power to be witness for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)
When we open our mouths to speak, the power of His Spirit will accomplish what He has spoken, with clarity and precision. With the signs and wonders that flow from the throne room, people will say, "surely, God is with them."
My friends, let our words be used to edify, to build up and bring unity. Let us be ever mindful of the power that our words carry. Also, let us yield to the Holy Spirit and follow His direction, and may we all seek to have the mind of Christ.
Be Free & Stay Free
Yet, with all that lies before us, all that we can see; we are the most complex of all of His creation. We are the reflection of the One who has formed us. How exciting is it, that we have been created in the very image of our invisible God? We reflect an attribute of our God.
When I think on this I understand David when he said, "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it." Psalm 139:6
A gift that He has given us is the ability to communicate; language.
There are two kinds of languages; earthy and heavenly.
Earthly is the language that we have learned from our mothers, depending where we were born; English, Spanish, Amharic, French, Arabic, etc... We even have the ability to learn other languages from other lands. This gives us the ability to communicate with each other. Sometimes we use this gift for good and sometimes we use it for bad.
Knowingly, and/or unknowingly, we use our words to build up or destroy. There is much power in the words that we say. In the Bible, James likens the tongue to a small rudder that is able to turn large ships. See James 3
When we speak in our own language we speak with limited understanding. Many relationships have been destroyed from our lack of understanding.
"Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad." - Manly P. Hall
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." - Proverbs 18:21
Heavenly language is what we receive from our Heavenly Father through His Holy Spirit. Through this tongue we are able to transcend all understanding and languages. This language carries us to the throne room of God, articulating beyond our own understanding, and speaks clearly and perfectly into the spirit.
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. - Romans 8:26,27
See also James 4:2,3
The gift of tongues comes through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Through this baptism we will receive the power to be witness for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)
When we open our mouths to speak, the power of His Spirit will accomplish what He has spoken, with clarity and precision. With the signs and wonders that flow from the throne room, people will say, "surely, God is with them."
My friends, let our words be used to edify, to build up and bring unity. Let us be ever mindful of the power that our words carry. Also, let us yield to the Holy Spirit and follow His direction, and may we all seek to have the mind of Christ.
Be Free & Stay Free
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Dirty Mirrors

Our mental ability to recreate images from the past enables us to reinterpret them. If the image is distorted, our "view" will be distorted. Our reality is based on our own perception and it will be as looking into a carnival mirror if our perception is not based on Gods truth.
Most of us remember the childhood story of The Jungle Book, about a young boy, Mowgli, who was raised by wolves in the Indian Jungle. Through a series of events, Mowgli stumbles into a human village and is adopted by a human family. But, he has a hard time adapting to the "human life." Being raised by wolves, he did not see himself as a human boy, he saw himself as a wolf. He was a human that acted like a wolf. Living with the wolves did not change who he was, it changed who he thought he was.
Do you know who you are, or are you like Mowgli? Has the past, and/or your present circumstance, distorted your view of who you really are? Call a child a wolf long enough and he will begin to believe it and act like a wolf.
Dust your mirror off and shower yourself in His Word. If you want to know who you really are, you must know He is and who you are in Him.
You are so much more than what the human eye and mind can understand. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made; created with a purpose.
Praise Him, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are His works. Psalm 139:14
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine. Isaiah 43:1
Have you fallen into agreement with the lies that have been spoken over you? Perhaps you have even spoken those lies yourself? The power of life and death is in our words. Begin to speak His truth.
Separate yourself from who/what tears you down. It is OK to set boundaries. It is OK to love someone from a distance. Surround yourself with people who care about you and saturate yourself in His word. Release those that have hurt you, walk in forgiveness. I know this is not always easy, but it is for your good. Forgiveness does not right a wrong, but it will free you from the bondage that holds you .
You were created for so much more. Get out of the mud and let Him break the chains that keep you bound. Only through Him will you find healing. Only in Him will you find yourself. There is no substitution.
So, when those thoughts come in, when the lies try to invade, hold it up to the truth of His Word. Begin to say, "Thus say the Lord...."
Then when you look in the mirror, you will not see the distorted image as in a carnival, you will see Him. You will see His reflection in you and you will marvel how beautiful is His creation and His creation is you.
You are His beloved.
Be Free & Stay Free
Monday, July 21, 2014
For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:3
Take heed that no one deceives you! Click here
Does it seem that everywhere you turn you are running into a wall? You try to do the "right thing," but your best is never quite good enough? People let you down, your wallet has a hole in it, for every two steps forward you feel that you have been pushed a step back. Have you lost your peace amidst the storm and now you just want a way out?
Have you quit going to church because you leave feeling just as empty as when you went in? Have you quit praying because you feel that your prayers are no longer heard and you struggle to find strength to just be still? Do you have questions and the cliché "religious" answers are just not cutting it anymore? Is your faith wavering and you are walking the tightrope and teetering on unbelief?
My friend, your struggle is not something new click here. You must remember that you are in a very real battle click here. As a follower of Christ, you have become a target for the enemy. He has sent his soldiers after you to not just cripple you (although that would please him), but to kill you.
Remember, you do have the weapons needed for this kind of warfare click here. You are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you.
What is the greatest temptation that you are facing right now?
It should come as no surprise that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. The meaning of Christianity is not about religion, but to be a follower of Christ; to be a true imitator of Jesus, in word and in deed. It is about relationship with the One who has created you and called you by name. As your relationship with Christ strengthens and you are being conformed into His image, you will carry His light into a very dark world and the world will not like that light, because it will expose the darkness, the agenda of the enemy. It will cause discomfort for those who want to stay in the comfort of their denial and ignorance.
The enemy is clever and his attack is strategically subtle. First, he will try to seduce you and lure you into his trap of complacency. Eventually you may find yourself compromising and making excuse. You will begin to become numb in the spirit and the lies that you hear, (which by the way... half truths are still lies) will start to make sense to you. Confusion will set in. You will start to fall into agreement with the world when it says, "surely, God is a God of love and He wants you to be happy, so if it feels good, do it." You begin to remain silent for fear that you will appear "judgmental" or "intolerant." Even though you know inside that it is wrong, you pacify that conviction with the thought "if they like me they will listen to me." You mistakenly believe that building a relationship with the world will give you some kind of credibility to speak to them. You wait for that perfect time to share the truth with them and before you even realize it, you have forgotten what the truth really is.
You will begin to let your defenses down and expose yourself to more attack. Now the attack is getting real and you are not even aware, that like the world, the light that you once carried is now making you uncomfortable. So you seek out someone who preaches their version of the "good news" and not the true Gospel. You think you will find rest in the ear tickle words of people who are saying peace when there is no peace. These people will distort the message of grace. They will tell you to be happy, because they do not understand that there is a difference between happiness and joy.
Happiness is based on circumstance, joy is the knowing that Christ is with you, it is hope.
Many find the truth offensive. Strange, in a world of hostility and assault, we should shrug off the truth in the name of (false) peace.
We should not be surprised when we see the falling away. Yet, I marvel when I see how someone so on fire for the Lord being lulled away by erroneous teaching because their message makes them feel good. I do not say this lightly and one thing I have learned is to never say never. I pray that like Peter, I will always say "Lord, where else could I go but to you?"
Still, here we are and we have to ask, how have we, as a church, fallen so far? Where have we lost it? Where have our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children gone?
What are we to do? How are we able to withstand? click here
It is not difficult, know this, God will not be mocked, nor will His Spirit be conjured up, for we know that we are all His creation, but not all of us are His children. We were created for Him, for relationship with Him, and when that fellowship with Him was broken through sin, He made a way through His Son on the cross to reconcile us to Him.
Hell was not intended for us, but it is real. It is the heart of God that none shall perish but all shall have everlasting life. Do not fall for the lie that there is no heaven, there is no hell, or we are all going to heaven, or just as bad there is nothing after this life. My friends, we will all face eternity, it is just a matter as to where.
You will live in your fathers house. You must choose who your father is. It is a choice. God has already chosen you and now you must choose. Do not harden your heart.
The day is coming where we will all have to give account, every single one of us, and there will be no escape when that day comes. So put away your mental list of what you have done, because when you stand before Him the only thing that matters is "are you His." A stranger does not enter the Fathers house, His children enter His house.
What must you do? Repent! Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. Romans 10:9
When you receive salvation through Jesus, He will give you a Helper, a Comforter, a Teacher, and He will lead you in the way of truth. So, when you hear the fancy and charismatic words of false teachers, you will know to run from them. When the world calls good evil and evil good, you will know to run.
Do not be afraid and do not partner with the world. Even if you feel you are standing alone, He has promised that you are never alone because He will never leave you. The Lord always has His remnant, take your place in His family. You are a warrior, but the battle is not yours. Trust in Him to deliver you. Stay in His presence. Be the light in a dark world, walk in His love.
Be Free & Stay Free
Take heed that no one deceives you! Click here
Does it seem that everywhere you turn you are running into a wall? You try to do the "right thing," but your best is never quite good enough? People let you down, your wallet has a hole in it, for every two steps forward you feel that you have been pushed a step back. Have you lost your peace amidst the storm and now you just want a way out?
Have you quit going to church because you leave feeling just as empty as when you went in? Have you quit praying because you feel that your prayers are no longer heard and you struggle to find strength to just be still? Do you have questions and the cliché "religious" answers are just not cutting it anymore? Is your faith wavering and you are walking the tightrope and teetering on unbelief?
My friend, your struggle is not something new click here. You must remember that you are in a very real battle click here. As a follower of Christ, you have become a target for the enemy. He has sent his soldiers after you to not just cripple you (although that would please him), but to kill you.
Remember, you do have the weapons needed for this kind of warfare click here. You are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you.
What is the greatest temptation that you are facing right now?
It should come as no surprise that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. The meaning of Christianity is not about religion, but to be a follower of Christ; to be a true imitator of Jesus, in word and in deed. It is about relationship with the One who has created you and called you by name. As your relationship with Christ strengthens and you are being conformed into His image, you will carry His light into a very dark world and the world will not like that light, because it will expose the darkness, the agenda of the enemy. It will cause discomfort for those who want to stay in the comfort of their denial and ignorance.
The enemy is clever and his attack is strategically subtle. First, he will try to seduce you and lure you into his trap of complacency. Eventually you may find yourself compromising and making excuse. You will begin to become numb in the spirit and the lies that you hear, (which by the way... half truths are still lies) will start to make sense to you. Confusion will set in. You will start to fall into agreement with the world when it says, "surely, God is a God of love and He wants you to be happy, so if it feels good, do it." You begin to remain silent for fear that you will appear "judgmental" or "intolerant." Even though you know inside that it is wrong, you pacify that conviction with the thought "if they like me they will listen to me." You mistakenly believe that building a relationship with the world will give you some kind of credibility to speak to them. You wait for that perfect time to share the truth with them and before you even realize it, you have forgotten what the truth really is.
You will begin to let your defenses down and expose yourself to more attack. Now the attack is getting real and you are not even aware, that like the world, the light that you once carried is now making you uncomfortable. So you seek out someone who preaches their version of the "good news" and not the true Gospel. You think you will find rest in the ear tickle words of people who are saying peace when there is no peace. These people will distort the message of grace. They will tell you to be happy, because they do not understand that there is a difference between happiness and joy.
Happiness is based on circumstance, joy is the knowing that Christ is with you, it is hope.
Many find the truth offensive. Strange, in a world of hostility and assault, we should shrug off the truth in the name of (false) peace.
We should not be surprised when we see the falling away. Yet, I marvel when I see how someone so on fire for the Lord being lulled away by erroneous teaching because their message makes them feel good. I do not say this lightly and one thing I have learned is to never say never. I pray that like Peter, I will always say "Lord, where else could I go but to you?"
Still, here we are and we have to ask, how have we, as a church, fallen so far? Where have we lost it? Where have our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children gone?
What are we to do? How are we able to withstand? click here
It is not difficult, know this, God will not be mocked, nor will His Spirit be conjured up, for we know that we are all His creation, but not all of us are His children. We were created for Him, for relationship with Him, and when that fellowship with Him was broken through sin, He made a way through His Son on the cross to reconcile us to Him.
Hell was not intended for us, but it is real. It is the heart of God that none shall perish but all shall have everlasting life. Do not fall for the lie that there is no heaven, there is no hell, or we are all going to heaven, or just as bad there is nothing after this life. My friends, we will all face eternity, it is just a matter as to where.
You will live in your fathers house. You must choose who your father is. It is a choice. God has already chosen you and now you must choose. Do not harden your heart.
The day is coming where we will all have to give account, every single one of us, and there will be no escape when that day comes. So put away your mental list of what you have done, because when you stand before Him the only thing that matters is "are you His." A stranger does not enter the Fathers house, His children enter His house.
What must you do? Repent! Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. Romans 10:9
When you receive salvation through Jesus, He will give you a Helper, a Comforter, a Teacher, and He will lead you in the way of truth. So, when you hear the fancy and charismatic words of false teachers, you will know to run from them. When the world calls good evil and evil good, you will know to run.
Do not be afraid and do not partner with the world. Even if you feel you are standing alone, He has promised that you are never alone because He will never leave you. The Lord always has His remnant, take your place in His family. You are a warrior, but the battle is not yours. Trust in Him to deliver you. Stay in His presence. Be the light in a dark world, walk in His love.
Be Free & Stay Free
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Waiting for the vision
Psalm 37: says to delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart and Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
So all of us who have had the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord-who is the Spirit-make us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.
It is about relationship with the Lord. As we cultivate our relationship with Jesus, by spending time with Him, (because time is how we build relationship) we begin to see His love for us and because of His love, we fall more in love with Him.
The more we know Him, the more we trust Him. We can trust that He loves us perfectly, completely, and unconditionally. We have no reason to fear anything, because we know that not only is He able, but He is willing, to provide our every need and to care for us.
Love is not self seeking, it's not selfish. When we love, we put others first, above our own needs and wants. As we are being conformed into His image our desires begin to line up with His desires. Our hearts begin to beat in sync with His heart. So what was once so important to us begins to change and we begin to see with His eyes. We begin to lose our selfish motives and we learn to trust Him to work things out for our good, to benefit us and others, and to bring Him glory.
There was a woman (read 2 Kings 4:8-37) who had a servants heart. She recognized a man of God and she served him; she did this from her heart. She served without selfish motives and her service was recognized and rewarded. She delighted in her service to the man of God, it was her service to the Lord.
The woman had no children. We can imagine (from v.16) that it was her desire to have a child and she had reached a place of understanding and submission to God (v. 13) that her service was solely to serve and honor God.
I imagine, before she reached the place of v.13, of acceptance of His will and trust in Him, she probably spent time, and many nights, crying out to God for a child. When she did not conceive, she submitted to His will and relinquished her own. We know she did not become bitter or turn away from her faith because v.9-10 reveals the attitude of her heart.
Have you reached that place yet? Have you laid down your desire, your agenda, placed it on the alter and committed to 'not my will, but Your will'?
It's natural, when we want something, to try to manipulate things to bring it about. We plot and plan and obsess in attaining it; whatever that "it" may be. We may even deceive ourselves into thinking it is God's perfect will for us. When we spend more time acquiring "it," we spend less time on seeking Him to know if it's really His best for us. We hinder the supernatural move of God.
We may strive so hard to get "it" that we don't realize we are not ready for "it" when "it" comes.
(Romans 5:1-6) We can rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. We know that perseverance produces character; and character, hope. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given us.
When we align ourselves with God's will, when we can submit our wants to Him, and trust that He will bring it to pass; if the desire, vision, came from Him; then we can truly be conformed into His image.
Habakkuk 2:3 reminds us the vision is for an appointed time, it will come to pass. We can trust Him, if it's from Him, He will complete the work that He has begun.
As we can learn from the Shunammite woman, when she gave her desire to God, focused on Him, He gave her the desire of her heart. And when we know it is from Him, no bad report will move us, we will not give way to doubt; we trust Him.
It is all in His timing, for your benefit and to His glory.
Be free and stay free.
So all of us who have had the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord-who is the Spirit-make us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.
It is about relationship with the Lord. As we cultivate our relationship with Jesus, by spending time with Him, (because time is how we build relationship) we begin to see His love for us and because of His love, we fall more in love with Him.
The more we know Him, the more we trust Him. We can trust that He loves us perfectly, completely, and unconditionally. We have no reason to fear anything, because we know that not only is He able, but He is willing, to provide our every need and to care for us.
Love is not self seeking, it's not selfish. When we love, we put others first, above our own needs and wants. As we are being conformed into His image our desires begin to line up with His desires. Our hearts begin to beat in sync with His heart. So what was once so important to us begins to change and we begin to see with His eyes. We begin to lose our selfish motives and we learn to trust Him to work things out for our good, to benefit us and others, and to bring Him glory.
There was a woman (read 2 Kings 4:8-37) who had a servants heart. She recognized a man of God and she served him; she did this from her heart. She served without selfish motives and her service was recognized and rewarded. She delighted in her service to the man of God, it was her service to the Lord.
The woman had no children. We can imagine (from v.16) that it was her desire to have a child and she had reached a place of understanding and submission to God (v. 13) that her service was solely to serve and honor God.
I imagine, before she reached the place of v.13, of acceptance of His will and trust in Him, she probably spent time, and many nights, crying out to God for a child. When she did not conceive, she submitted to His will and relinquished her own. We know she did not become bitter or turn away from her faith because v.9-10 reveals the attitude of her heart.
Have you reached that place yet? Have you laid down your desire, your agenda, placed it on the alter and committed to 'not my will, but Your will'?
It's natural, when we want something, to try to manipulate things to bring it about. We plot and plan and obsess in attaining it; whatever that "it" may be. We may even deceive ourselves into thinking it is God's perfect will for us. When we spend more time acquiring "it," we spend less time on seeking Him to know if it's really His best for us. We hinder the supernatural move of God.
We may strive so hard to get "it" that we don't realize we are not ready for "it" when "it" comes.
(Romans 5:1-6) We can rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. We know that perseverance produces character; and character, hope. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given us.
When we align ourselves with God's will, when we can submit our wants to Him, and trust that He will bring it to pass; if the desire, vision, came from Him; then we can truly be conformed into His image.
Habakkuk 2:3 reminds us the vision is for an appointed time, it will come to pass. We can trust Him, if it's from Him, He will complete the work that He has begun.
As we can learn from the Shunammite woman, when she gave her desire to God, focused on Him, He gave her the desire of her heart. And when we know it is from Him, no bad report will move us, we will not give way to doubt; we trust Him.
It is all in His timing, for your benefit and to His glory.
Be free and stay free.
Shunammite woman,
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Appointment at the Well
It is easier to free fall when you know you have a safety net. It's about trust; trusting that God has you in the palm of His hand. Believing that even though you feel you are free falling, you are actually being elevated to a better place that will position you for the purpose that He has for you.
It is about faith in the perfection of His love and learning to rest your weakness in His strength. It's about resisting the impulse to flail your arms to grasp what is closest to keep you from the exhilarating fall and letting go of everything that you have made an idol. You will never be complete when you cling to your self-made safety net, because that net becomes a hard shell that will block revelation. It will cover your spiritual ears and restrict you from hearing His whisper that says, "Let go, I have you."
I went to the well to draw water. I always go in the afternoon; because in my shame, I don't want to go when the other women are there. They mock me. Even in their silence I can feel their scorn and judgment. Do they really think I chose this kind of life?
They don't know, or understand, where I have been. They do not know that I would have given anything for their life; in fact, I have, I gave everything. Now I am just empty, depleted, and left with nothing more to give. Everything has been taken, stolen. I reach my hand out, only to be pushed away. I open my arms, only to be shunned. I give my heart and my body, only to be rejected.
I don't want to see anyone, or face anyone, because if they look in my eyes they may see me. If they look in my face they will see my shame, regret, anger, fear, sadness, despair, hopelessness and dirt. Yes, their judgment may be correct, but it still hurts.
There is a Man there. He is sitting quietly and peacefully. I can't say that He is particularly attractive, but there is something about Him that I am drawn to. He has something different.
He ask me to give Him a drink. Why would He ask me? There are better women than me. He must not know me. I am not one of His kind. If He knew who I was He would not even acknowledge me. He would see me like everyone else does and He would be right in doing so. "Why do you ask me for a drink?" I ask Him.
He looks right in me and tells me if I knew the gift of God, and who He was, I would ask Him for a drink and He would give me living water. I don't understand, but I feel there is truth in what He said. I want to ask Him to give me that water, but I am afraid. If I talk I will expose myself and He will leave, just like everyone else.
But, there is something about Him. It is as if He see's me, I mean really see's me; yet He is still there. He makes no move to leave. He is offering me something and He is waiting for me to ask. I hesitate and try to change the subject. I feel naked, as if He can see in me, through me. I feel naked, but not ashamed.
He is not moved. He is not offended. He is patient. He speaks of a fountain of water that gives everlasting life. I want it! I want to feel alive. I want to breathe.
My heart sinks when He tells me to go call my husband to come. I can say nothing but that I have no husband. He smiles. "You have spoken well," He said. Then He began to tell me about me. I feel warmth and love in His words and His voice. He is bathing me in a warm shower of His love. I feel the burden lifted off my shoulders. I feel the mire of shame, regret, filth and sin fall off me.
I tell Him it is as if God Himself were speaking to me, because only God could know such things, secret things.
With His eyes He smiles again and says, "I who speak to you am He."
God revealed Himself to me. He took time to speak to me, touch me and He didn't cringe, He wasn't disgusted or disappointed. He was there for me. Waiting for me.
I cannot contain the joy I am feeling. This is the first time I felt clean, free. I have to tell someone. I have to tell everyone.
God came down and He spoke with me. He knew me and loved me anyway. He wrapped His love around me. He removed my shame and filth and replaced it with love and acceptance.
Now, I know He is God and He is no respecter of persons. But, I have to say, that moment, that time with Him, I felt like I was all that mattered to Him. I felt loved.
John 4:7-29
Be Free & Stay Free
It is about faith in the perfection of His love and learning to rest your weakness in His strength. It's about resisting the impulse to flail your arms to grasp what is closest to keep you from the exhilarating fall and letting go of everything that you have made an idol. You will never be complete when you cling to your self-made safety net, because that net becomes a hard shell that will block revelation. It will cover your spiritual ears and restrict you from hearing His whisper that says, "Let go, I have you."
I went to the well to draw water. I always go in the afternoon; because in my shame, I don't want to go when the other women are there. They mock me. Even in their silence I can feel their scorn and judgment. Do they really think I chose this kind of life?
They don't know, or understand, where I have been. They do not know that I would have given anything for their life; in fact, I have, I gave everything. Now I am just empty, depleted, and left with nothing more to give. Everything has been taken, stolen. I reach my hand out, only to be pushed away. I open my arms, only to be shunned. I give my heart and my body, only to be rejected.
I don't want to see anyone, or face anyone, because if they look in my eyes they may see me. If they look in my face they will see my shame, regret, anger, fear, sadness, despair, hopelessness and dirt. Yes, their judgment may be correct, but it still hurts.
There is a Man there. He is sitting quietly and peacefully. I can't say that He is particularly attractive, but there is something about Him that I am drawn to. He has something different.
He ask me to give Him a drink. Why would He ask me? There are better women than me. He must not know me. I am not one of His kind. If He knew who I was He would not even acknowledge me. He would see me like everyone else does and He would be right in doing so. "Why do you ask me for a drink?" I ask Him.
He looks right in me and tells me if I knew the gift of God, and who He was, I would ask Him for a drink and He would give me living water. I don't understand, but I feel there is truth in what He said. I want to ask Him to give me that water, but I am afraid. If I talk I will expose myself and He will leave, just like everyone else.
But, there is something about Him. It is as if He see's me, I mean really see's me; yet He is still there. He makes no move to leave. He is offering me something and He is waiting for me to ask. I hesitate and try to change the subject. I feel naked, as if He can see in me, through me. I feel naked, but not ashamed.
He is not moved. He is not offended. He is patient. He speaks of a fountain of water that gives everlasting life. I want it! I want to feel alive. I want to breathe.
My heart sinks when He tells me to go call my husband to come. I can say nothing but that I have no husband. He smiles. "You have spoken well," He said. Then He began to tell me about me. I feel warmth and love in His words and His voice. He is bathing me in a warm shower of His love. I feel the burden lifted off my shoulders. I feel the mire of shame, regret, filth and sin fall off me.
I tell Him it is as if God Himself were speaking to me, because only God could know such things, secret things.
With His eyes He smiles again and says, "I who speak to you am He."
God revealed Himself to me. He took time to speak to me, touch me and He didn't cringe, He wasn't disgusted or disappointed. He was there for me. Waiting for me.

God came down and He spoke with me. He knew me and loved me anyway. He wrapped His love around me. He removed my shame and filth and replaced it with love and acceptance.
Now, I know He is God and He is no respecter of persons. But, I have to say, that moment, that time with Him, I felt like I was all that mattered to Him. I felt loved.
John 4:7-29
Be Free & Stay Free
woman at the well,
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Perfect Love
The closer you get, the more you reveal yourself. The more comfortable you become, the less comfortable you are, because you begin to over analyze everything, you begin to think, "Did I say too much?" or "Are we moving too fast?" or "What if he/she doesn't feel the same way?"
When the newness has passed and you begin to settle in, finding the rhythm of your relationship. You feel uncomfortable, because you aren't talking as much as you to, or he/she didn't text you their every move like they used to, or they didn't text you a good morning within 10 minutes of being awake. Your insecurity begins to show like an oversized slip and it is not very attractive. So, instead of relaxing and trusting, you panic. You claw at air, fight invisible battles and imaginary enemies. Your mind races, your heart sinks, you cry, you reason and you just don't understand why he/she doesn't love you.
I submit that you do not know what love is. Not real love. You may know the feeling of falling in love, you may have an idea of what love should be. Your love is based on feeling and emotions.
If you could relate to what I wrote above, then brace yourself, because this is a lesson on love. When this sinks into your spirit, you will begin to relax and just let love.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
What does this mean? Now, I am not a fan of country music, but there is an old song that says, "looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces..."
Love is not impatient, envious, boastful, proud, rude, or selfish. So, if you are feeling these things it is time to check yourself. Check your heart and check your motives.
When you understand the love of Christ towards you, then you will know how to love. You will understand that the actions and acceptance of others does not sway Gods affections for you. It does not change who you are.
You will never find comfort in fear. You will never find peace in the fear of being rejected, abandoned, or by being jealous, controlling and consuming.
When you can take that breath and say, God knows best, He loves me beyond measure and He knows, nothing catches Him by surprise and I will trust Him, because I know that all things will work together for my good; then you will know love.
When you are willing to let go of control and trust God, He will reveal the truth to you and the truth will set you free. Because right now you only see things in part, but He sees the big picture.
We were created for relationship; relationship with Him. This relationship MUST come first. When you have cultivated the intimate relationship with the Father, you will know Him and in knowing Him, you will trust Him and in trusting Him, you will know that He loves you perfectly and that you do not have to conjure up any relationship or emotion to be made whole, because you are whole in Him.

Be Free & Stay Free
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Elephant in Your Living Room
A man was walking the grounds of a circus, observing the
animals. As he approached the elephants he was confused by the fact that these
huge creatures were being held by a single rope tied to their leg. Obviously
the elephants could break the rope and walk away, but oddly, they did not.
He motioned to a trainer nearby and asked him why such a magnificent
and strong creature made no attempt to break away? How could it be that such a
small rope could restrain such a large and strong creature?
“When they are young
we use a similar size rope to tie them and because they are small they cannot
break away. As they grow, they are conditioned to think that the rope can still
hold them, so they never try to break free.” The trainer answered.
The man was amazed! Imagine, the elephant could break free
at any time, but because he believed that he could not, he didn’t even try. The
elephant was stuck right there, in captivity.

How many of us are like that elephant?
How many are held captive to the ropes of the past?
How many have learned to adapt to the ropes; perhaps even
embraced the ropes?
Sure does sound silly, doesn’t it? Imagine the tragic comedy
it is when we choose to hold on to the things that keep us so bound up, rather
than walk in complete freedom.
There is a phenomenon called Stockholm syndrome. It is a
strong emotional tie that is formed between two people where one abuses,
threatens, harasses, intimidates, or beats the other. It is suggested that the
bonding is the victims coping mechanism, in response to the trauma of being a
As strange as it seems that a majestic creature like the
elephant stays chained to a small rope, it is even stranger that a victim
should form a bond with a person (or thing/addiction/mind-set) who has taken their freedom away and abused
them. Yet, this is what happens, in the spiritual.
We begin to identify with the chains of bondage because we
do not know our identity.
We identify to labels. Don’t believe me, ask someone who
they are and they will probably tell you their job title; you know, the one
word title that describes what we do (or where we have been).
There is ONE who can cut those ropes of bondage from you and
give you freedom.
John 8:36 says, “Therefore
if the Son (Jesus) makes you
free, you shall be free indeed.”
I put emphases on the “if”
because it is important that you understand something. It IS Gods will
that you be free. He has made all provision for your freedom, through His Son,
Jesus. His gift of salvation is free. He will never force it on you. He will
also never deny you should you choose to accept the free gift of salvation,
freedom. When you accept His Son, you have accepted all that comes with being
an heir.
2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore,
if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold all things have become new.”
What does this mean?
I am going to break this down for you in very plain
If you have Christ, you are no longer a victim! You are more
than a conqueror through Christ who strengthen you. You are to be conformed
into His image, you are dead to your past and you are alive in Christ who gives
you the hope and the promise of eternal life. You have received forgiveness and
you are to offer forgiveness to those who have wronged you, abused you, hurt
you and to yourself. Unforgiveness will keep you tied to your past and to your
old mindsets. You are no longer a whore hopping from bed to bed, relationship
to relationship, you are sanctified, you are pure and you are to offer yourself
up as a living sacrifice to the One who has set you free. You are no longer an
addict, an alcoholic, an angry person, an inferior person, a victim, an abuser,
a fearful person, a selfish person or a self-preserved person. You are not a fortress within yourself.
Your freedom has been purchased at a very high cost. You are
to no longer play in the pig pen with the pigs, you are washed clean with the
blood of Jesus. Your future is secure and you are to break ties with the past.
You cannot hold onto the past while looking to the future.
That tie that held you for so long is no longer there. That
phantom feeling you get of the rope on your ankles is a lie and you must
recognize that.
I am not suggesting that this is always easy, because sure
enough there will be times when it seems that all hell will break loose on you.
But, free people always have a choice. You can choose to believe the lie and
risk becoming bound again, or you can choose to believe Gods promise.
Jesus said if you abide in His Word, you are His disciples
and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Whoever commits
sin is a slave of sin and a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a
son abides forever.
Many of us have had painful past. Many of us have been
victims of people and/or circumstance that was beyond our control. But that is
not what defines us. The past is not where we find our identity. Our identity
is found in Jesus.
What is it that holds you back? What do you need to let go
of? Who do you need to forgive?
Confession and repentance is the first step to freedom. Repentance
means to no longer return to the rope (sin) that has held you. You turn away
from it. You cling to Jesus. You allow Him to bring healing. You do not self-medicate
with un-holy relationships or addictions. To many this may seem impossible, to
step out of the comfort zone and break old habits, but Jesus said that what is
impossible for man is possible with God.
As a free person, you have a choice. You can choose to
believe Him or not to believe Him.
God is faithful, He cares for you and He loves you. There is
nothing that can separate you from His love. He wants you to acknowledge and
walk in the freedom that He has given you. He wants this more than you.
Are you weary? Are you tired of the merry-go-round of
emotions? God says come up here. Learn to see through His eyes.
Kick that elephant out of your living room and divorce your
past. You have no more relationship with your past. You are a new creation. A
holy nation, a royal priesthood, an heir with Christ, a child of the Most High
God. Walk in it!
Be Free & Stay Free
soul ties,
Friday, April 25, 2014
You Are What You Eat
Wallow with the pigs and you will get dirty!
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 1 John 1:6
In these last days it is important that we wear the full armor of God and we spend time in His presence. We must learn to seek Him. We must purpose to be in His presence. It is only through Him are we able to have balance and recognize the peace that He gives us.
There are so many things and people that want to steal our peace. If we are not careful, we allow the distractions to enter and steal our peace. There is no joy if there is no peace.
I am calling you to take inventory.
Anyone who has entered that dark night of the soul can attest to the warfare. This will bring us face to face with ourselves and hopefully to our knees before the throne of God. This is when we must cling even tighter to the promise of God. Though we may feel forsaken during this trial of faith, we must remember He said He will never forsake us. This is the time to press in, fight those distractions, close the rest of the world out and get before Jesus.
In Acts 9 (click here to read) we learn about a woman who died and they called Peter to come to them. The woman was a disciple and I am sure that they called Peter to come mourn with them. They may not have expected what happened next. Peter arrives on the scene, the women are mourning. They are showing him the garments that she made while she was with them. They were speaking of her in past terms. Understandable, right? We do that at funerals, we display the pictures and talk about all they have done while they were alive. We give them a memorial. Memorials are for the dead.
What did Peter do? Did he sit down with the mourners and grieve and start recalling her life? Did he join the party for the dead? No, he put them out of the room, he shut them out! Then he knelt and prayed and turned to the body and said, "Tabitha, arise." She then opened her eyes and saw Peter and sat up, then Peter took her by the hand and she stood up.
Had Peter joined the grieving party of the mourners she would not have been presented alive. She would have been buried.
Take note of what Peter did. He put the mourners out of the room, closed the door and spoke life.
If you are surrounded by nay sayers, people of unbelief, complainers, gossips, negativity, then you will become just like them. If you allow your thoughts to be constantly bombarded with the things that are contrary to Gods Word and His promise, then you will have unbelief and there is no faith in unbelief. There is no power in unbelief.
We would have to leave this world to be completely rid of all the negativity, but since we are in this world, even though we are not of this world, we must guard our hearts and take care in choosing who we allow into our inner circle.
As believers we are called to be a witness of His glory. We must always point to Christ. We can not fall into agreement with the world. Do NOT get sucked in! Choose wisely who you permit to speak into your life.
You heard the saying, you are what you eat. Keep feeding your mind with poison of defeat and that is what you will become. As followers of Christ we are more than conquerors. We are not called to be a defeated nation, but a Holy Nation. His nation does not add validity to what the world believes.
If you find yourself in a state of confusion, depression, heaviness; take inventory.
Healing, peace, joy and order comes from Him and Him alone. You will not find it in any other substitute. Close the doors to the mourners or you will be attending your own funeral. What good will you be to the commission if you yourself are buried?
Quit seeking for answers elsewhere. Get into your closet and seek Him. Put your armor on daily and do not let anything or anyone steal your peace.
Saturate yourself with His word, surround yourself with His people.
Be Free & Stay Free
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 1 John 1:6
In these last days it is important that we wear the full armor of God and we spend time in His presence. We must learn to seek Him. We must purpose to be in His presence. It is only through Him are we able to have balance and recognize the peace that He gives us.
There are so many things and people that want to steal our peace. If we are not careful, we allow the distractions to enter and steal our peace. There is no joy if there is no peace.
I am calling you to take inventory.
- What are your thoughts? What is occupying your thoughts?
- Who are you spending time with? Does the relationship edify?
- Who have you allowed into your inner circle?
- Do you know the difference between "friends" and ministry?
- Who do you turn to in your time of distress?
- Are you surrounded by confusion and chaos?
- Do you know how to set boundaries?
Anyone who has entered that dark night of the soul can attest to the warfare. This will bring us face to face with ourselves and hopefully to our knees before the throne of God. This is when we must cling even tighter to the promise of God. Though we may feel forsaken during this trial of faith, we must remember He said He will never forsake us. This is the time to press in, fight those distractions, close the rest of the world out and get before Jesus.
In Acts 9 (click here to read) we learn about a woman who died and they called Peter to come to them. The woman was a disciple and I am sure that they called Peter to come mourn with them. They may not have expected what happened next. Peter arrives on the scene, the women are mourning. They are showing him the garments that she made while she was with them. They were speaking of her in past terms. Understandable, right? We do that at funerals, we display the pictures and talk about all they have done while they were alive. We give them a memorial. Memorials are for the dead.
What did Peter do? Did he sit down with the mourners and grieve and start recalling her life? Did he join the party for the dead? No, he put them out of the room, he shut them out! Then he knelt and prayed and turned to the body and said, "Tabitha, arise." She then opened her eyes and saw Peter and sat up, then Peter took her by the hand and she stood up.
Had Peter joined the grieving party of the mourners she would not have been presented alive. She would have been buried.
Take note of what Peter did. He put the mourners out of the room, closed the door and spoke life.
If you are surrounded by nay sayers, people of unbelief, complainers, gossips, negativity, then you will become just like them. If you allow your thoughts to be constantly bombarded with the things that are contrary to Gods Word and His promise, then you will have unbelief and there is no faith in unbelief. There is no power in unbelief.
We would have to leave this world to be completely rid of all the negativity, but since we are in this world, even though we are not of this world, we must guard our hearts and take care in choosing who we allow into our inner circle.
As believers we are called to be a witness of His glory. We must always point to Christ. We can not fall into agreement with the world. Do NOT get sucked in! Choose wisely who you permit to speak into your life.
You heard the saying, you are what you eat. Keep feeding your mind with poison of defeat and that is what you will become. As followers of Christ we are more than conquerors. We are not called to be a defeated nation, but a Holy Nation. His nation does not add validity to what the world believes.
If you find yourself in a state of confusion, depression, heaviness; take inventory.
Healing, peace, joy and order comes from Him and Him alone. You will not find it in any other substitute. Close the doors to the mourners or you will be attending your own funeral. What good will you be to the commission if you yourself are buried?
Quit seeking for answers elsewhere. Get into your closet and seek Him. Put your armor on daily and do not let anything or anyone steal your peace.
Saturate yourself with His word, surround yourself with His people.
Be Free & Stay Free
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Forgotten Desires
Is anything to hard for God? Rise up, woman of God, dust that vision off, now is the time!
Click here for 2 Kings 4:8-37
Do you hold a desire so deep that you fear to voice it? Perhaps this desire was once worn on your sleeve, but when it did not come to pass, you hid it?
God, who searches our hearts, knows us intimately. He knows the deepest desires of our heart and it pleases Him to give us those desires when we delight in Him.
I can imagine the Shunammite woman when Elisha told her she would have a son. Can you imagine?
Here is a woman who wanted a son. Her husband was older in age and she has not conceived a child. I am sure that after awhile she just accepted, came to terms with, that she would not have children, no son to care for her in her old age. Maybe it became easier to bury it deep, rather than have unfulfilled hope?
Have you ever done that? Have you stifled a dream because you grew weary of hoping and hoping and hoping? Is the pain less when you pretend it wasn't that important to you anyway? Really?
Hope deferred does make the heart sick. We hope, we pray, we bargain, and when it seems to go unanswered, we shrug and say 'I guess I am not meant to have...' Do you do that? I know I have.
When what we desire manifest we cling to it. We must not cling too tight, or we will strangle it. We must not place the desire before God.
We must be like the Shunammite woman, we must not listen to the voice of doubt and fear. We must say, 'Has God not said...'
Seek Him with everything within you. Do not let distractions or people stand in your way. Say and KNOW "it is well!"
v.28 So she said, "Did I ask a son of my Lord? Did I not say, 'do not deceive me'?"
The Lord knows the desire of your heart. Do you not know that He has given it to you? He has also seen the counterfeits come and go to stir your hope to watch it fall. This has caused you to be afraid and to hide. You have buried it so deep in your heart to protect yourself. You have seen others receive what you have wanted and it seemed to just pass you by; as if you have been overlooked.
Let your faith be stirred. Let your hope arise and know...
Though your vision tarries, wait for it! For it will certainly come, it will not delay. It is for an appointed time, but in the end it will speak.
While you are waiting, continue in His presence. Delight yourself in Him. Have a thankful heart filled with gratitude for the Lord. When He says it is done, then it is done!
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
Be free & Stay free
Click here for 2 Kings 4:8-37
Do you hold a desire so deep that you fear to voice it? Perhaps this desire was once worn on your sleeve, but when it did not come to pass, you hid it?
God, who searches our hearts, knows us intimately. He knows the deepest desires of our heart and it pleases Him to give us those desires when we delight in Him.
I can imagine the Shunammite woman when Elisha told her she would have a son. Can you imagine?
Here is a woman who wanted a son. Her husband was older in age and she has not conceived a child. I am sure that after awhile she just accepted, came to terms with, that she would not have children, no son to care for her in her old age. Maybe it became easier to bury it deep, rather than have unfulfilled hope?
Have you ever done that? Have you stifled a dream because you grew weary of hoping and hoping and hoping? Is the pain less when you pretend it wasn't that important to you anyway? Really?
Hope deferred does make the heart sick. We hope, we pray, we bargain, and when it seems to go unanswered, we shrug and say 'I guess I am not meant to have...' Do you do that? I know I have.
When what we desire manifest we cling to it. We must not cling too tight, or we will strangle it. We must not place the desire before God.
We must be like the Shunammite woman, we must not listen to the voice of doubt and fear. We must say, 'Has God not said...'
Seek Him with everything within you. Do not let distractions or people stand in your way. Say and KNOW "it is well!"
v.28 So she said, "Did I ask a son of my Lord? Did I not say, 'do not deceive me'?"

Let your faith be stirred. Let your hope arise and know...
Though your vision tarries, wait for it! For it will certainly come, it will not delay. It is for an appointed time, but in the end it will speak.
While you are waiting, continue in His presence. Delight yourself in Him. Have a thankful heart filled with gratitude for the Lord. When He says it is done, then it is done!
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
Be free & Stay free
Shunammite woman,
Sunday, April 13, 2014
When Church Hurts
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory
to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 19:11
Be Free & Stay Free
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Familiar Spirit
Do you find yourself in one failed relationship after another? Do you enter into each new relationship with high hopes and rose-colored-heart shaped-glasses; only to leave feeling more empty?
In the beginning did he say all the "right things" and even though you wrestled with the thought of "I heard this before" you ignored the red-flags, because you wanted it to be different this time.
If you find yourself falling for the same lies repeatedly it may mean that you have not broken ties. Over active imagination, 'romanticizing', gives way for the deception to wreak havoc on your mind, body and soul. Deception is the tool of the devil. It comes in many forms and can make itself very attractive, you don't even recognize it. If you are a born-again Christian, listen to His Spirit lead you and you will not be deceived.
One of the ways soul ties are formed is through intercourse. Within marriage, this is a holy tie. Outside of marriage it is sin and it will destroy you.
Are you tired of the rollercoaster of relationships? Then get off the ride! Repent! Renounce all sexual activity outside of marriage. You were not making love, you were fornicating. Do not be deceived, you cannot afford the cost of prostituting yourself.
This may sound harsh. You may even argue "but we love each other." I tell you, the One who truly loves you says "repent and do not look back."
When you have been delivered, don't go back. It is a hindrance to your spiritual growth and it will lead to death.
Matthew 12:43-45 says, "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, 'I will return to my house which I came.' And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first...
I tell you again, DO NOT BE DECEIVED, the devil is crafty. Repent and do not turn back. The next time that familiar spirit comes knocking, do not answer the door. When he shows up carrying flowers and speaking those smooth words with flattery and empty promises, slam that door shut!
Clean your house and fill it with His Holy Spirit. Let Him answer the door and if He approves then He will tell you. The next time you feel that red flag, that warning, even if you can't quite put your finger on it, take it to the Lord. There is no confusion with God. If you have no peace, then He is not in it.
Be Free & Stay Free
In the beginning did he say all the "right things" and even though you wrestled with the thought of "I heard this before" you ignored the red-flags, because you wanted it to be different this time.
If you find yourself falling for the same lies repeatedly it may mean that you have not broken ties. Over active imagination, 'romanticizing', gives way for the deception to wreak havoc on your mind, body and soul. Deception is the tool of the devil. It comes in many forms and can make itself very attractive, you don't even recognize it. If you are a born-again Christian, listen to His Spirit lead you and you will not be deceived.
One of the ways soul ties are formed is through intercourse. Within marriage, this is a holy tie. Outside of marriage it is sin and it will destroy you.
Are you tired of the rollercoaster of relationships? Then get off the ride! Repent! Renounce all sexual activity outside of marriage. You were not making love, you were fornicating. Do not be deceived, you cannot afford the cost of prostituting yourself.
This may sound harsh. You may even argue "but we love each other." I tell you, the One who truly loves you says "repent and do not look back."
When you have been delivered, don't go back. It is a hindrance to your spiritual growth and it will lead to death.
Matthew 12:43-45 says, "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, 'I will return to my house which I came.' And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first...
I tell you again, DO NOT BE DECEIVED, the devil is crafty. Repent and do not turn back. The next time that familiar spirit comes knocking, do not answer the door. When he shows up carrying flowers and speaking those smooth words with flattery and empty promises, slam that door shut!
Clean your house and fill it with His Holy Spirit. Let Him answer the door and if He approves then He will tell you. The next time you feel that red flag, that warning, even if you can't quite put your finger on it, take it to the Lord. There is no confusion with God. If you have no peace, then He is not in it.
Be Free & Stay Free
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